The college will conduct impartial and thorough investigations of allegations of potential Title IX and College-Wide 反对性别歧视政策, Sexual Harassment, 性侵犯和其他形式的性暴力, Dating Violence, 家庭暴力和跟踪 违纪行为将客观裁定并进行纪律处分程序. A report may be made with the Washington City Police by the complainant or by the college if the alleged violation of the policy may also involve criminal behavior.


性行为不端的报告将提交给第九条协调员或指定人员. The results of a Title IX investigation are a finding of fact and a determination of whether or not there was a Title IX violation. 因为调查结果可能成为未来任何纪律程序的一部分,并可能被传唤, 被告可能希望寻求法律顾问. 有关流程的更多信息,请参阅政策.


The federal government requires colleagues to offer remedies and accommodations to anyone reporting a Title IX violation or filing a case who present a violation policy, 甚至在调查结束之前. 这些可能包括无接触订单和班级和住房的变化,或工作分配. W&J will work to diffuse the impact of any requested accommodations on both the complainant and the respondent, 但这是为了尽量减轻投诉人的负担.

Student Respondents

如果调查发现有其他违反学生行为准则的行为, 学生答辩人可转介予 社区标准及支援服务. 请参阅学生手册中的学生行为准则部分了解更多信息.

